living in vienna between pigments, cables, instruments, computer, scores, brushes, noises, paper, mallets, tapes, birds and other conditions.

MV is working across painting and drawing in the broadest sense,
electronic and performative sounds and recordings as well as reproductions such as cassettes,
publications and prints. video and object-related items sometimes. graduated from the
university of applied arts vienna in 2014, part of soybot from 2010-2020, founding member of perchtenverein blutender schwestern 2024. MV has been creating music
both collaboratively and independently since 2007, current projects: IEOGM, BILLA ENSEMBLE, MICRO MATA, solo, etc.
Co-organizer of KNOPFWISSEN, irregular concert series with international guests in Vienna.



Marie Vermont - die gemeine Landschaft

Billa Ensemble in Brownswood, Chocolate Monk UK

VERÜBER, 21.02. - 28.02.2025, 1090 Vienna

Wiener Weinen, 24.03. - 10.04.2025, 1120 Vienna



The limits of Resilience, Symposion Lindabrunn

Everyone´s Stille, Akademie Graz

How did you sleep last night?, Softcover, Vienna

Marie Vermont, Printshow, Void, Kasai, JP

Unter und unter uns, MAERZ, Linz

Kunstverleih, < rotor >, Graz

Aus ist’s. Schön war’s., kommod, Vienna


CLOSE/D, Kunsthaus Wien, Vienna

Scores, Sound Campus, ars electronica, Linz

Halbschattenkabinett, Galerie Kramer, Bremen, DE

Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitter., kommod, vienna


Allmende, solo exhibition, museumspavillon, stadtgalerie salzburg

Geisterpop/ulation, Kunstverein Eisenstadt

Moisturride, Vienna

Beings and Creatures, part 1: on damaged earth, < rotor >, Graz

Alltag der unausgesprochenen Dinge, Muskovit, Brigittaplatz, Vienna


Hauslebt, Hartberg

Eisbär Induktion, Muskovit/Vermont, Brigittaplatz, Vienna


Parallel, Dessous, Semmelweissklinik, Vienna

Parallel Editions, Dessous, Vienna

New views on same olds, Wien Diesel, xhibitE, Vienna


Bregenzbiennale, Bregenz

Gluecksrenntag, WSB-studio, WUK, Vienna

Contemporary zines from Vienna and Prague / Quatro Print, Vienna

Editionale, Angewandte, Vienna


Living studio, SOYBOT, Jan Arnold Gallery, q21, Vienna

Parallel Vienna, Dessous, Vienna

The valley in the monsters belly, Parque del sol, Lames, St. Poelten

Ueber das Neue, Pferd, SOYBOT, Belvedere21, Vienna

Take Festival, Dessous, Vienna


ABC – art book in china, Shanghai, CN


Basel art book fair, Basel, CH

Soybot @ Tokonoma, documenta#14 cooperation, Kassel, GE

Gutterfest, SOYBOT, Barcelona, ES

Lustr Festival, Prague, CZ

Next Comic Linz, Soybot, OK, Linz


Crack! Festival, Forte Prenestino, Rome, IT

Soybot and friends, Raumschiff, Linz

Grafixxx Festival, Soybot, Antwerp, BE

Filler, Milan, IT


Eine Ampelsinfonie, Torutga, ESC Medien Kunst Labor, Graz

Werkschau für Grafisches und Illustratives, Soybot, Vienna

Crack! Festival, Forte Prenestino, Rome, IT
Auf den ersten Blick, Soybot, Wien Museum, Vienna


Be my Guest #2 Kulturrathaus, Dresden, GE

Sprint, Soybot, Milan, IT

Fokus, Diploma exhibition, University of Applied Arts Vienna


Caffeine hours, Soybot, Metelkova, Ljubljana, SI

Zinefair, Soybot, Kunsthalle MQ, Vienna

Be my guest, Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg



IEOGM live, 15y epileptic media, celecte, vienna

marie vermont live, multichannel SPIRAL BIKE urban echo

MICRO MATA live, pommes 260, erlaufsee

marie vermont, soundpiece, < rotor >, graz

IEOGM live, marie siewert "hinter den wänden", spitzer, vienna

IEOGM live at everyone´s stille, akademie graz

IEOGM live, how did you sleep last night, softcover, vienna

BILLA ENSEMBLE live, cafe oto, london, UK

IEOGM live, moozak, multichannel

IEOGM live, spazio rita, nagoya, JP

IEOGM live, givemlm, matsumoto, JP

IEOGM live, forest limit, tokyo, JP

marie vermont live, environment 0g, osaka, JP

IEOGM live, environment 0g, osaka, JP

IEOGM live, tobira record/void, kasai, JP

IEOGM live, dessert time, kurashiki, JP

IEOGM live, 1080, vienna

lower lower austria live, knopfwissen, 1BM, vienna

marie vermont live, blumenmontag, cafe stadtbahn, vienna

marie vermont live - das gemeine rauschen, fcr, 1BM, vienna


batteriestand niedrig live, knopfwissen 3, vienna

IEOGM live, wavering worlds, bb15, linz

marie vermont live, sonar park, lames, st.poelten

IEOGM, live at greyhaven, ithaca, US

where swallows fly backwards, gnas

der blöde dritte mittwoch, IEOGM, fluc, vienna

importers exporters of general machandise, noise meet up#1, raum.schiff, linz

adelita escapes & space gear, dublin, IR

adelita escapes & space gear, sligo, IR

adelita escapes & space gear, manorhamilton, IR

marie vermont solo, velak, chateau rouge, vienna

knopfwissen 11, IEOGM, micro mata, sandkasten syndikat, vienna

adelita escapes & space gear, salon:skug, zamani, vienna

importers exporters of general machandise, kastenkonzert #39, vienna

knopfwissen 4, 1BM, vienna


carestine & marie vermont, celeste, vienna

adelita escapes & space gear, MQ, vienna

IEOGM live, institute of sleepless nights, studio matsune, vienna

micromata, akustische fragmente, museumspavillon, salzburg

IEOGM live, 1bm

birdnoisenoises, sonic cell / czirpczirp, schlesingerplatz, vienna

importers exporters of general machandise, 1bm, vienna

adelita escapes & space gear, schweben #9, rhiz, vienna

micro mata, salon skug, volksstimmefest, vienna

marie vermont live, struma+iodine, rhiz, vienna

outer allmende av, prell/RSMA/vermomnt, sonic territories, vienna

situation der unbestimmtheit, galerie wha, linz


kinovi[sie]on, camhy X vermont, innsbruck

am ponyhof live, marie vermont, bei litschau

artacts, die husband, st. johann in tirol


jazzwerkstatt bern, die husband, switzerland

20 jahre, die husband, fluc, vienna


viennale, "frauenarzt dr. schäfer", wien diesel, metrokino, vienna

linz fmr, wien diesel, stadtwerkstatt, linz

czirp czirp, MV, grillx, vienna

the future, wien diesel, AU, vienna


noche de los muertos, wien modern, wien diesel, vienna

klangfestival, wien diesel, gallneukirchen

kino wie noch nie, wien diesel, metrokino, vienna

home is where the art is, wien diesel, greifenstein

one song festival, wien diesel, vienna


viennale, wien diesel, metrokino, vienna

hyperreality, wiener festwochen, wien diesel, vienna

jazzwerkstatt wien festival, wien diesel, wuk, vienna

brutto, wien diesel, brut, vienna

reich und föhn, wien diesel, rhiz, vienna


radio orange bday, wien diesel, celeste, vienna



aber hauptsächlich, komikaze comic book album 23

wesen & kreaturen, beings & creatures, vfmk, ISBN 978-3-99153-023-7

auf um in unter über kaputt hülle haut, edda strobl & hanna stein (hgb.)

how did you sleep last night, michikazu matsune, ISBN 978-3-9505522-0-1

antifaschistische wandfarbe, zine, marie vermont

pommes 260, workshopzine, marie vermont

MICRO MATA book, Marie Vermont & RSMA

schulden des mediums, marie vermont, soybot


wesen & kreaturen, vfmk, ISBN 978-3-99153-023-7

CLOSE/D publication, kunsthaus wien

aber hauptsächlich bin ich lebendig, zine, marie vermont

kalím, zine, marie vermont

95, zine, marie vermont

reklamation, zine, marie vermont

highliners, zine, marie vermont, the concept horse

allmende, exhibition documentation, marie vermont

allmende expedition II, workshopzine, marie vermont, andrea habith


Das phantomastische Malbuch, VfmK, ISBN 978-3-903439-24-5

Komikaze, Krampus, marie vermont

outer allmende, zine, prell/RSMA/vermont

schwanensee, marie vermont

allmende expedition, workshopzine, marie vermont, adina camhy

metukim #26


kripplkalender 2022, marie vermont

a sippl fürs krippl, elsbeth wallnöfer, marie vermont

die vermessung des krampus, marie vermont

metukim #31


tracht macht politik, elsbeth wallnöfer, haymon verlag, ISBN 978-3-7099-8163-4

es geht sich nicht aus, marie vermont, soybot


long late summer shadows, marie vermont, soybot

blacksmoke, marie vermont, soybot

the firekeepers, marie vermont, soybot

global univers, marie vermont, soybot

rosamunde, marie vermont, soybot

where!, marie vermont, soybot


jenseits des physischen planeten erde, marie vermont, soybot

conversations, marie vermont, soybot

telepathy is the key, many artists, soybot

follow, marie vermont, soybot

agate, marie vermont, soybot


landscapes and interior, marie vermont, soybot

in this world, marie vermont, soybot


A3SOME, many artists, soybot

paranormal activities, marie m. soybot

phantom power, marie m., soybot


fallout, marie m., soybot

toyboy, soybot, soybot

nekroselfie, soybot, soybot

blackmono, marie m., dsa/soybot

the ghost from the other side, marie m., soybot

wellflanell, soybot, soybot


eine ampelsinfonie, university of applied arts, vienna

ekzem #3-7, many artists, digitalstoneage


foxymethoxy, mohameth/burnbjoern, soybot

schimmelgedichte, marie f., soybot


fels, many artists, soybot/vienna design week

it´s nice to be important, marie f./malin schoenberg, soybot

bongs, tribals and cars, marie f./julian turner/matthias widder

krampus und rauch, soybot, soybot


666, marie f., soybot


hömhöröm, marie f./malin schoenberg, grafist 14

luftfahrt/raumfahrt, marie f., soybot



interview for psychedelic baby mag “Improvisational communication”

MICRO MATA painting workshop, Marie Vermont & RSMA, pommes 260, Erlaufsee

book presentation and talk about beings & creatures, < rotor >, graz

interview on Female Noise, by Jakob Henneken

insektenort skulptur workshop mit lena gold, kunsthaus wien


tapes from the bottom drawer, turmeric acid at lahmacun radio

allmende expedition, marie vermont, galerija17, prishtina, kosovo

allmende expedition, marie vermont, andrea habith, kunsthaus wien


die kunst der sicherheit, forum stadtpark, graz

allmende expedition, marie vermont, adina camhy, < rotor >, graz

tape that, radio fro

salon skug, praterstern


grundrauschen, radio orange


political graphic design and information graphic, tu graz, graz

soybot riso-workshop, rostfest, eisenerz

talk, kunstuni linz, linz

soybot riso-workshop, das weisse haus, vienna


soybot riso-workshop, JESOLO print weekend, AIL, vienna

riso-workshop, kunstuni linz, soybot, vienna


salon für kunstbuch, soybot riso workshop, 21er haus, vienna

next comic linz, riso workshop with SOYBOT

soybot riso workshop, painting class, henning bohl, university of applied arts vienna


pink noise girls rockcamp band poster workshop, vienna

option 2.0, soybot refugee riso workshop, vienna

soybot interview, leporello, ö1

salon für kunstbuch, soybot riso workshop, 21er haus, vienna


body painting workshop, soybot, self publishing saturday raum d, mq, vienna

soybot riso-workshop, painting class, henning bohl, university of applied arts, vienna

soybot riso-workshop, lustr festival, prague, cz


soybot riso-workshop class for printgraphic, jan svenungsson, soybot, vienna

soybot riso workshop, brody art yard, art placc, tihany, H

soybot riso workshop, self festival, bratislava, sk


no space is innocent, forum stadtpark, graz, steirischer herbst

public - city of Graz
city of Salzburg
private collections

rokkos adventures, forum stadtpark, ADRAMA, tracht macht politik, and others